All the cool blog names were taken, so my cats, Cooler and Fizler, lent their names. This blog is about our third or fourth mega-trip that Will and I have taken to Vermont every September since the year before Hurricane Katrina.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Yesterday at boot camp, we went to climb the JBU stairs. 100 stairs. When you get to the top, there's a huge granite sign that says California. No wonder they're so hard to climb! They take you all the way to California!

Anyway, we went up at our own pace, and down, and as many reps as we could. Noel said the women could probably do 4 and the men 5. I did 3. I could have done four, after a little rest. After all, we were watching Mark try to break the gym record by climbing them 21 times! He did it.

Today, I'm very glad I did not do the 4th set! My legs were all noodly after 3. They were extremely tired all day, as if I had run a marathon. Now, I've never run a marathon, but I've been on my feet all day before. I went to actual boot camp, too. My legs have been tired, but never THIS tired.

I went straight home and did lots of walking around the yard, to keep my legs from stiffening up. I took about 5 wheelbarrow loads of weeks out to the brush pile--that's about 75 yards of walking each way. I did that for about an hour and a half, and walked around Wal-Mart later in the day, but did very little else because of the fatigue. I moaned and groaned all day, every time I moved. I was just tired.

I thought, hmmm, tomorrow I'll hop on a bike and do a few easy miles to loosen up.

This morning, though, I'm SORE. It's my calves. From just below the lower part of the curve, to the bottom of my ankle, they're sore. To the touch, even. I used the rolling pin on my legs last night, thinking it would help. It did. My hams and quads are fine, but still tired. The calves, though, OUCH. I laid in bed an extra two hours because I didn't want to go down the stairs!

So Will asked me to take him to 3DPT (the source of all my pain) to work out this morning. When I walked in, Noel laughingly said, "Oh, Karen Tucker's calves are hurting!!" He KNEW. I don't know if it was his well trained eye watching my gait, or his experience with the JBU stairs. I told him I'd come in to give him a piece of my mind. He said that his were hurting, too. When he starts getting back into it, there is a transition period. He wonders why he ever quits climbing the stairs.

Ibprofen isn't helping. I used Noel's rolling pin, too. It hurts just to touch them. I sure hope they're better by boot camp in the morning! If not, no side-straddle hops for me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a terrible time with my calves last year at school. I swear it was from going down the stairs from the English department. (4 floors, 22 steps each level) I couldn't figure out anything else I was doing to make them so sore. I stopped taking the stairs to go up when I had my back pack because it weighs about 30 pound and I started getting sciatic pain from that. Either getting old sucks or stairs aren't the best way to get exercise.