All the cool blog names were taken, so my cats, Cooler and Fizler, lent their names. This blog is about our third or fourth mega-trip that Will and I have taken to Vermont every September since the year before Hurricane Katrina.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Walking with my feet 10 feet off of Beale

We left the last regular season Naturals game on Monday in about the 6th inning, so we could get on the road and not be getting into Memphis too late. We picked up Jessica in West Fork about 15 minutes early, and made it to Memphis at about 9:30.

Of course, we can't just roll in and not have a visit, Michele called Mary Jo over, and we had a nice chat. Michele's house looks great. The girls had Silvano dressed up like a fairy with make up and everything. He seemed to enjoy every minute of it.

Poor Freeshow (Michele's elderly dog). She can barely move, and I wonder if she's suffering. That's probably the last time I'll ever see her.

It's so nice to have friends that welcome you in no matter how long it has been. It was like I never left. (I made Will take a picture of Michele and me before we left. I'll try to remember to add it to the blog.)

Some photos just capture perfectly a dog's personality. This is Michele's dog, Hank. He's some kind of one-blue-eyed little darling who smiles a lot and jumps up, but knows to sit if you make him, but not for the camera.

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